
Skinlabs: a building block for brands, a home for creators

A unique community

What is Skinlabs ?

A 3D Creators Club
A community that cares, protects, teaches & creates to the highest level
Find premium brand projects
A place to access high calibre brand projects who need top tier talents
Share your artworks!
A place to learn 3D skills, share knowledge & meet other creators
A platform for 3D creators

What do we offer

Job board
Access top tier brand 3D projects
Official brand projects
From world-renowned brands
For integration in the most popular virtual worlds
3D Toolbox
Speed-up creation pipeline
Access our in-house 3D tools
Use our pipeline management system
And reduce your production time by 70%
Technical integrations
Use our technical integration
To deploy your creations in a few clicks
Into the most popular virtual worlds
And reach an audience of millions of users
A secure place
You are in a safe place
Learn and grow with other talented creators
Brands pay for projects upfront
Money is locked on escrow account till completion
Say hello

Join us and take part in the adventure

We are supported and engaged by Jose Neves.
Outlier Ventures*
We are part of Outlier Venture leader in the Metaverse.